About us

Toilet paper and disposable hand towel manufacturer in Poland

Are you looking for a solution ensuring cleanliness and hygiene regardless of the conditions? Are you concerned about comfortable and problem-free use? Lamix is a leading Polish manufacturer of paper hand towels intended for professional use. It provides its customers with a perfect solution for any company, regardless of its size. Our aim is to deliver products of the highest quality as well as the complete solutions for the AFH sector.

The company commenced its business activities in April 1991 as the distributor of hygienic and paper products. In March 1995 the company changed its business profile from commercial into production one and currently its main objective is paper manufacturing. Since then, Lamix has been continuously investing in its own production facilities and new technological lines. The company still develops its activities to maintain the highest quality of its products as well as the customer satisfaction from their products’ comfortable use. The company’s key investment was the erection of the Paper Production Department. The start-up and commissioning of the paper machine took place in October 2004. Our paper machine is one of the most modern machines in Poland of a capacity of over 20.000 per annum, intended for tissue production as well as high quality crepe paper used for manufacturing industrial hygienic products for professional use. This investment has strengthened the company’s position as a paper manufacturer in Poland. Another step in the investment process was the opening of the new processing plant in March 2009. Due to these investments, Lamix is perceived as a leader company in its branch, i.e. the manufacturer of toilet paper and other hygienic paper products.

The company has been created and managed by the people sharing a common passion for whom manufacturing of paper products recognized by the customers is of crucial importance. The company’s long-term experience and know-how makes the offer provided by Lamix one of the best ones in the market. We make our best endeavour to meet our customers’ expectations and aim to work out the best solutions for each situation. Owing to our good reputation, our product offer is widely appreciated by our satisfied customers around the world.

See the film about our company here.

The Polish product

Campaigns aiming at economic patriotism are getting more and more popular. All that is Polish, manufactured in Poland, by Polish enterprises. Why? Because it is important and meaningful to each Pole. Is it only this? The Polish scientific and technical ideas, inventions, goo Polish food, high quality Polish products, behavior and all we - Poles - should be proud of and support, both in the country and abroad. Lamix has much to be proud of in Poland – where the company is deemed as one of the largest Polish manufacturer of hygienic paper – and abroad – where it is a recognized supplier of high quality hygienic products. Therefore, all products will be soon marked with the logo indicating that they are Polish products – manufactured in Poland.

Established by Mirosław Laszko in 1991, Lamix is a leading Polish hygienic paper manufacturer based in Witnica, province of Lubuskie. It is a family business where family values influence how effective business is managed and the vision of the company’s operation and development is shaped by generations.

A family business

The broadest definition of the family business is when a company feels it and defines itself as such. There is one distinctive feature of all those which may be attributed to family business – its SENSE OF FAMILY. It seems to be a common denominator in this group of enterprises, distinguishing family ones from others.

Lamix has always pursued its policy and developed the offer with the aim of making it stand out from the competition. The unique character of the family enterprise and its specificity have become another element of the market advantage. The perspective of running a business from one generation to another is a great strength and gives a clear identity, positively standing out in the increasingly anonymous business world.

Soon all our products will be equipped with a family business logo aiming to provide all Partners with values connected with the cooperation with LAMIX family business.



Our brands

Ellis Professional
  • 100% cellulose
  • multi-ply
  • laminated plies
  • original embossing pattern
  • exceptionally soft and absorptive
Ellis Ecoline
  • high quality recycled paper
  • multi-ply
  • laminated plies
  • original embossing pattern
  • exceptionally soft and absorptive
  • high quality recycled paper
  • one-ply
  • economical
  • durable
  • absorptive
  • high quality recycled paper
  • one-ply
  • economical
  • exceptionally durable
  • perfectly absorptive
  • 100% cellulose
  • multi-ply
  • laminated plies
  • original embossing pattern
  • exceptionally soft and absorptive
Private label - marki własne
  • perfect complement to our offer
  • an ideal way to become more competitive
  • unique label or box design

Environmental protection

Care for natural environment is an integral part of our company�s evolution and it is inscribed into the strategy of its sustainable development. Our aim is to create such work and production standards which enable us to significantly reduce the impact on natural environment and ensure the highest level of the sustainable use of natural resources.

  • We carry out our activities in compliance with the standards and legal regulations concerning the environmental protection;
  • We carefully select our raw materialsâ�� suppliers;
  • Our production processes are continuously optimized in order to rationalize power consumption;
  • We reduce the emission of pollution to the air and water;
  • We apply the latest solutions concerning anaerobic pre-treatment of wastewater,  our technological water is re-circulated into the recycled water system for more than 30 times, we sort and minimize the production of waste materials http://www.ppeko.com.pl/referencje/lamix-egsb.aspx.

Rationality of our activities involving the optimal use of natural resources as well as all investments incurred for environmental protection are connected with our care for the future generations. We try our best to ensure their access to the natural environment resources in the future.

To improve ecological awareness of our employees, contractors and the wider community, Lamix is onvolved in organizing cyclical pro-ecological campaigns which major mission and objective is to increase their competence concerning the efficient and effective protection of the natural environment.

Lamix - ochrona Åďż˝rodowiska


Lamix owns its paper machine manufacturing tissue in various colours and weight. The length of the wound up paper web may reach 24 km. For the purposes of the manufacturing process of the multi-ply finished products, the raw material is rewound by means of the plying machine. Our machine operators are supported by the technologically advanced automation and control system.

The converting department is equipped with the paper converting lines such as the modern line to manufacture multi-ply, laminated hand towels applying colour embossing and processing the tissue with the speed of 400 m/min. From mid 2014 the company owns one of the latest production line to manufacture products in rolls in Europe. The technologically advanced machine enables to produce various types of rolls. The products may be packed in a personalized way, depending on our customers’ requirements.

The company’s development is very dynamic owing to a consequently implemented strategy. The funds acquired from the European Union additionally support this process.

Registered office:

  • PPPH Lamix
  • ul. Papiernicza 1, 66-460 Witnica
  • +48 95 751 70 00
  • +48 95 751 70 09
  • lamix@lamix.pl

Domestic sales department:

International sales department:

  • Małgorzata Kuś
  • International Sales and Marketing Officer
  • +48 95 751 70 25
  • mkus@lamix.pl
  • Dawid Szulc
  • International Sales and Marketing Officer
  • +48 95 751 70 12
  • dszulc@lamix.pl
  • Karolina Zaborowska
  • International Sales and Marketing Officer
  • +48 95 751 70 24
  • kzaborowska@lamix.pl

Sales representatives:

  • Aureliusz Gałat
  • mazowiecki, lubelskie, podlaskie, warmińsko-mazurskie
  • +48 601 896 135
  • agalat@lamix.pl
  • Tomasz Dudek
  • małopolskie, podkarpackie, świętokrzyskie
  • +48 609 048 797
  • tdudek@lamix.pl
  • Tomasz Kałuziński
  • pomorskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie
  • +48 601 383 510
  • tkaluzinski@lamix.pl

Raw-material purchasing department:

Contact us

The information clause pursuant to the art. 13 of the General Personal Data Protection Regulation of 27th April 2016 (The EU Journal of Laws L 119 of 4th May 2016), hereinafter referred to as GPDP:

The Personal Data Controller is PPPH Lamix with its registered office in: Witnica (post code 66-460) ul. Papiernicza 1.

Stating your personal data is voluntary but necessary to contact you. Failure to state your personal data shall result in no contact and provide you with the cooperation offer. Personal data shall be processed on the basis of the art. 6, item 1, point a and c of the general personal data protection regulation of 27th April 2016 (GPDP).

You are entitled to access, correct, remove, limit the processing and transfer your personal data, as well as to lodge a complaint and remove your consent to process them at any time and such withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

You are entitled to lodge a complaint with regards to personal data processing to the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority.

The personal data acquired through contact form shall not be subject to automated processing and profiling.